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Our Impact

Together, through weekly meetings, grantsmanship, and hard work, Diverse Student Scholars has accomplished 40 funded student grants, 8 funded faculty grants, more than 105 co-authored conference presentations, 4 national top paper awards, and nearly 25 proceedings and journal publications. From this body of research production, Diverse Student Scholars has quantitative and qualitative impact that showcases students’ research skills for professional development and for future academic pursuits.

Quantitative Impact of Diverse Student Scholars

  • 22 (27.84%) DSS students have worked on research through an independent study

  • 19 (24.05%) DSS students have had funded on-campus student grants

  • 71 (91.03%) DSS students have attended state, national, or international conference to present their co-authored research

  • 20 (25.32%) DSS students have had co-authored publications (via a journal article, case, or conference proceeding)


  • 79 DSS students with faculty mentorship

  • 105+ co-authored conference presentations 

  • 25+ publications.

  • 4 research manuscripts conference top paper awards from the National Communication Association, the Marketing Management Association, and the North American Management Society

Qualitative Impact of Diverse Student Scholars

      The qualitative impact of the DSS program has been shared in several other DSS publications (Sims, Anderson, & Murray, 2012; Sims, Anderson, Neese, & Sims, 2013; Sims, Le, Emery, & Smith, 2012; Sims, Le, Smith, 2011). In these manuscripts, DSS students offer the impact of the DSS program on their learning and skill development. To briefly summarize some of this research, DSS students have shared increased professionalism, increased contacts and networks, better time management, greater responsiveness to deadlines, increased faculty expectations, increased self-efficacy, and improved self-confidence (Sims et al., 2012). In addition, DSS students have reflected that they are better able to integrate knowledge across their business courses, more proficient at using databases to fund supporting secondary research, more organized, better able to work in a team under stressful conditions, and better able to appreciate the role of their faculty mentor as a teacher-scholar (Sims, Le, & Smith, 2011). Additional impacts have been offered from research related to interviews with first-generation DSS students. These DSS students offered two new impacts (learning to be role models and learning to be more persistent) along with the previously cited impact of learning to have greater confidence (Sims, Anderson, & Murray, 2012).



Sims, J. D., Anderson, P., & Murray, A. (2012). First-generation student research engagement: What are they learning and why does it matter. Marketing Management Association Fall Conference Proceedings, 234-235.


Sims, J. D., Anderson, P., Neese, S., & Sims, A. (2013). Enhancing student cognitive, affective, and behavioral development through undergraduate research. Marketing Management Association Fall Conference Proceedings, 134-135.


Sims, J. D., Le, J., Emery, B., Smith, J. (2012). Beyond the quantitative headcount: Considering the un-captured qualitative impact of engaging undergraduate students in research. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 32(3), 23-27.


Sims, J. D., Le, J., & Smith, J. (2011). Advancing the research pipeline: Enlisting undergraduate students in faculty co-authored research. Marketing Management Association Fall Conference Proceedings, 238-239.

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